Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thoughts from Nancy

Today was our first full day in Haiti and already the words that comes to mind are heart-wrenching or inadequate or conflicted.  I take for granted everyday that I can take a hot shower, drink water from the faucet and have my lights and air conditioning on when I want….that is not the case here.  And we as guests are much more fortunate then those that reside here.  Today was known as “water day” and we were told that it would be a difficult day for many reasons, but I don’t think anything prepared me for what it actually was.  Bringing a truck into 3 of the poorest areas and helping them fill their buckets, carry them down a street and going back for more was the easy part of the day.  Getting out of our vehicle and being immediately bombarded by small children who desperately wanted you to pick them up, who clung to your legs, who jumped on your back, who cuddled in your arms, who said, “no, no” when you went to put them down, who wanted to braid your hair….who just wanted to be loved if for even a few minutes, there was nothing to prepare me for that experience, and one I will never forget.  These little children are always smiling, always wanting, always happy.  They just run around in the streets and play in the water and play with each other, using anything they can, including a rock.   
There have been many beautiful moments, even in this short time, and I know in the days to come there will be many more.   Knowing that God is present here and we are doing his work, does make the uncomfortableness much more bearable.  

Thank you for your prayers this week.

Nancy Larson

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