Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Word of the Day…

Each day, we’re challenged to come up with a word to summarize our thoughts or experience for the day.  Today was a day that I approached with some apprehension, a day when I knew I would have emotions flowing, a day we’d be visiting the home for sick and dying children.  I’ve got four daughters and to think of any of them being in the situation these beautiful young children are in, would be unbearable.  I saw people come together today and so the word of the day for me was…

TEAM… I approached my word a little bit differently.  We have this amazing group of individuals  through Slumberland, people who love and care for the people of Haiti but also for the other members of the team, and then there was an amazing group of people at the home for sick and dying children, the nurses that take care of these children, and then finally, the group of people working at the Apparent Project who provide jobs for hundreds of people so they can create wonderful works of art to bring to the world and help Haiti…. all TEAMS of people… For me the day, the word TEAM, boiled down to this:

An acronym:  Time Encountering Amazing Masterpieces….

God created us all, we’re masterpieces; from our bodies, to our minds, the way we NEED to help each other.  Today, I saw that in action and I truly had a day comprised of Time Encountering Amazing Masterpieces.


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