Friday, September 13, 2013

Tent Church & Elders

At 5:55 a.m. we head for Tent Church about 2 miles from the guest house.  Many people are already out walking to work or church  - they walk briskly up steep hills even though it is still dark.  Tent Church is not a tent at all!  We are surprised to see a huge building with large doors on two sides.  The building holds about 4,000 people!  People walk up and down the aisles with their arms uplifted singing to the music.  They kneel on the cement floor, faces pressed into the seat of the chair and benches in prayer.  Drums, guitars and a keyboard play music and the worship pastor speaks boldly rarely taking a breath.  We understand a few words - merci, Papa, Alleluia.  In spite of all that the Haitians have gone through, they are clearly grateful people.  Tent Church is held every morning and many Haitians stop for an hour of praise and worship prior to beginning their day. 

After stopping at Grace Village we visit 5 elderly Haitians in their homes.  The oldest is Marie at 103.  She is sitting on the cement floor of her home when we arrive.  Excited to have visitors, she literally jumps up from the floor and we help her outside to visit and listen to music.  We sing as Michael plays guitar and Don plays the keyboard.  We put lotion on her arms, hands, legs, feet and shoulders and give her lunch and cold water.  Marie has a delightful laugh and lovely smile - we have a new friend. - Linda

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